This week I had a conversation with a client about changing workforce patterns.
I am the last generation who held the idea of a job-for-life. Actually... even we didn't want a job for life... but we still held onto some flavour of a notion of getting into a job and staying for a while.
However... this is not true for the generations who followed me.
Our millennial and post millennials are willing to change jobs if they aren't having their needs met.
This can be career progression... and also the environment they work in.
And this is a good thing.
It means people have the confidence and fortitude to move when things aren't right. Leaning into work being joyful, rather than something to be endured. Yet it is a challenge for the workplace.
These are also the generations who are more aware than anyone before them of their neurodivergence. This translated into awareness of what they need to perform at their optimum. And they aren't afraid of asking for their needs to be met- or moving to where they are.
Most of the time our senior management are my generation (and earlier). We were brought up on creating systems that catered for the business needs. That are designed to serve a homogeneous population.
Because a one-size-fits-all is easier to manage.
?? What if that weren't the case??
??What if it were possible to design workplaces that met individual needs??
??What if, in doing this you improve productivity and increase retention??
Curious notion, for sure. But it is possible. Especially for those who are willing to develop a new way of thinking and doing that creates a happier and more productive workforce?
It is possible and I can help.
Drop into my DM's and let's start your journey.
#DesignThinking #millennials #WorkplaceDesign