

Helping corporate leaders with complex people problems to make meaningful change that goes beyond box-ticking so they can create inclusive, healthy and more productive workplaces

Done with you

Have you ever worked in a place where there is an Elephant in the room, that everyone knows it’s there, but no-one wants to start the conversation for fear of getting it wrong?

Not talking about it doesn’t mean the Elephant is not in the room.

Companies like yours bring me in to help them with their Elephants around people problems, company culture, systems and processes which make workplaces hard for people to be in.

What I most often work on is intersectional diversity and inclusion with a specific focus on neurodiversity, because that is the area where the Elephant becomes unignorable.

I work with corporate clients to create bespoke solutions that work for the people and your businesses.

Example services:

Built environment

Looking at how you can inclusion into your buildings

Learning culture

Embedding inclusion into in-house and commissioned training


Removing barriers for supplier diversity

Got a question?

Maybe the answer is here

  • How do we get to work together?

    Step 1: Drop into my diary and we can have a conversation about where you're at and what you want. 

    Step 2: I write a quote with the high-level of what I will deliver

    Step 3: We agree we want to do this thing together. 

    Step 4: You pay me for the work

    Step 5: I book time into my diary and we crack on. 

    I have a follow up
  • Do you do full proposals?


    These are charged at my hourly rate. 

    People who work with me respect that my time and knowledge are valuable. I know you will not be asking me to give it over for free. 

    If you do, we are not a good fit for each other. 

    I have a follow up
  • How do you charge?

    This in some ways depends on the work we are doing. 

    If it is a specific task, we will agree a project fee. 

    If you need a bunch of things done, this is likely to be cheaper for you on retainer (I will likely throw in some added value too). 

    If you want exec or neurodivergent coaching this is on an hour basis. 

    I have a follow up
  • Do you do training?

    I sure do! 

    Click the button just below and it will take you to the training page. 

    Take me to training
  • Do you work with other experts?


    I am happy to collaborate with other DEI experts to ensure you achieve the outcome you are looking for. 

    I have a wide network of amazing folx, so if you need something extra, I can find the right person for you. Whether that is LGBTQ+, Gender, Race, Physical Disabilities, Menopause, or almost anything else I haven't thought about. 

    I have a follow up
  • Do you coach inside organisations

    I do.

    I have worked with neurodivergent staff to support them in their roles. 

    I also work with line managers to help them support their neurodivergent team members. 

    I want to know more
  • I'm not sure I know what I want

    That's okay- we can have a chat about what is going to solve the problem you have. 

    Drop into my email with what you do know and we can find the right solution for you. 

    Email Sara
  • We only pay in arrears, is that a problem?


    Due to the increasing number of organisations delaying payment I only work with payment in advance. If you ask really nicely, I may take a deposit. In this instance full payment is due 7 days after delivery.  

    If we have an existing relationship where there is a track record of payment on time I will take a 50% deposit up front. Full payment is due 7-days after delivery.

  • Do you have references?

    I am happy to send you details of previous satisfied clients. Once we are clear what it is you need I will forward details of the most relevant client. 

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