Worth Ethic

Have you ever woken up wondering

“how on earth is this my life?” 

You may be …

  • Wondering who you really are, after years of “masking” and ignoring your own needs

  • Feeling invisible because everything you do is for someone else

  • Disconnected from your body and your heart because your mind’s been running the show

You are not alone.

The parts of your life that feel uncomfortable and ill-fitting are specific to you. The gnawing sense that you can’t go on as you are, is universal.

You beautiful, brilliant human!!

I promise you, life can be different. 

Happiness is possible

I’m Sara, and I’ve worked with thousands of people on the precipice of massive change… most of them are pretty fucking scared.

Here’s what I’ve learned: you can move from the discomfort of your current life, to experience joy and ease in a life that you’ve created. It takes courage, support, and community.

One thing I can promise is

A better life is possible.

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The work ethic lie starts in childhood: work hard, and you’ll be rewarded. Along the way, we lose touch with ourselves.

Work ethic tells us that our value lies in how much we produce for other people – and what they think of us as a result.

People who don’t fit into the neurotypical box feel that outside-in evaluation all the more acutely. Silently and secretly we do additional emotional, intellectual and physical heavy lifting. Just to get through the day. Because it has been ingrained into us from very small. If only we tried a little harder to ‘fit in’ we will ‘get there’. 

Instead of plugging into the work ethic culture, how about building your own Worth Ethic

  • Aligning everything in your world with your core values. 

  • Focusing your time and attention on what is important to you. 

  • Learning how to discriminate and say no to the things that no longer serve our core selves. 

When you do, you’ll get clear on what really matters to you. You become aware of the things that do not bring you joy and your focus is redirected to removing frictions from your life. You start to value your time and attention as the finite depleting resources they are and how to give the bulk of your time attention to them. 

When you do,

It’ll change your life. 

Work ethic or worth ethic?

Your worth isn’t in your work.

Imaging a life where you

Feel content

Waking up feeling happy with yourself, and clear about what you want to do for the day

Have energy

Feeling able to take step towards the life and experiences you want

Have brain space

To take decisions easily, and trust yourself to make good choices

Experience flow

and fun, seeing opportunities everywhere, feeling ease in the possibilities

Take care of you

In a continuous and mindful way that you recover from and stay out of burnout

I know it takes courage

to look at yourself and what you truly want. You don’t have to do this alone. 

It takes warm, caring support to be clear on what you want to feel, experience and who you want to be.

Right now. 

Just as you are. 

That’s why I created this programme… 

So what is it?

We create your Worth Ethic Manifesto. 

Getting absolute clarity on your unique version of success and the mindset, habits and behaviours needed to get there. 

What happens next is magic. 

It’s a bit like playing “Yellow Car” (you know the game where you win points by spotting yellow cars while on a journey. With or without punching your fellow passenger). As soon as you give your brain the instruction to find yellow cars, it does just that. All of a sudden yellow cars are everywhere. Most of the time you are noticing them without even trying. 

Creating a Worth Ethic Manifesto is playing Yellow Car for your life. 

You are giving your brain a game to play. And rather than looking for cars you are seeking a happier life. Filled with what you value most. 

The second you get clear on what it is you truly want, and the vehicles you need to get there - your brain does the rest. 

  • You see opportunities and the potential around you
  • You can form lasting habits and change becomes possible
  • Decision making is easier as you trust yourself

Because you have got really clear on your destination, and how to get there. 

start creating a life you don't want to escape today

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