What are energy biscuits? Well, it’s a bit like spoon theory, but I like biscuits better than spoons. They’re more tasty and flexible- just as long as you don’t dunk them.
Every day you start with a certain number of energy biscuits.
Throughout the day you munch through your biscuits… depending on what you have to do and who we have to offer you can have some left in the bottom of the barrel.
Woo hoo!
This means you have some in reserve for tomorrow.
Other times you will whack through your biscuits and are left with crumbs, or borrow biscuits from tomorrow.
You can be mindful of who you want to give your biscuits to. (managing your energy and attention).
Some days you will burn your biscuits. (those days that tire you out)
Others you will wake with extra choccy-chip biccies (when you had a great night sleep and are feeling awesome…)
You can bake more biccies through self-care, rest and having fun.
Spoon theory is awesome… I prefer biscuits…
Much of what I do with my coaching clients is helping them understand what is in their barrel, how they are eating them and how they can manage their biscuits better.
If you feel your biscuits are burnt, or just crumbs at the bottom of the barrel, how about we set up a time to make a brew and bake some new ones for you?
And until the next time my lovely… have an awesome day.
I believe in you.